Wednesday, July 8, 2009

தமிழ் விகிபீடியாவின் நேர்மையின்மை

த.வீ. ரொம்ப கோல்மால்களில் ஈடுபடுகிறது.

The charges can be classified in different categories:

1. removal of grantha letters e.g.a) ஷட்ஜம், சட்ஜம் b) ஆலிஸின் அற்புத உலகம்,ஆலிசின் அற்புத உலகம். There are thousands of examples like this.

2. changing from ordinary used name (in English) to Tamil e.g.செல்ப் செக்கவுட், தான்னியக்கி பணம்செலுத்தி ஆல்கரிதம்,படிமுறைத் தீர்வு.

2A. Same as 2 in the case of personal names எஸ். எஸ். வாசன், சு. சீனிவாசன்

3. changes of people's names i.e. dropping caste names at the end.Official names of persons should be used, not Wiki Admins prejudices e.g.இ. பத்மநாப ஐயர், இ. பத்மநாபன் வ. வே. சு. ஐயர், வ. வே. சுப்பிரமணியம்

4. Introducing characters not used in Tamil பஹ்ரேய்ன், பஃரேய்ன் Admin Selva has his 'alternatives' to grantha characters and this is HIS OWN, not recognised by anybody. So, wherever possible he introduces them in place of Grantha characters. The above is an example of that.

5. Changing from commonly used words to what admins think is 'pure Tamil'e.g.

யுத்தங்கள் பட்டியல், போர்களின் பட்டியல்

ஆராய்ச்சியும் விருத்தியும், ஆய்வும் விருத்தியும்

ரொட்டி, வெதுப்பி

டோஸ்ட்மாஸ்டர் க்ளப், டோஸ்ட்மாஸ்டர் பன்னாட்டுச் சங்கம் :))) ROFL

6.Grammatical forms not used in ordinary language ரொட்டி, உரொட்டி(nobody calls or writes உரொட்டி). Even ரஷ்யா can be left as it is, but Tamil Wiki admins insist it should be changed to உருச்சியா

7. Admins have a special animosity to many commonly used words - which they argue is Sanskrit origin which must be written in 'Pure Tamil'. .நாத்திகம் is replcaed with இறைமறுப்பு These are just from headings - in artilce body there are tens of thousands of changes.

There are many other categories under which the Admins policy of imposing their prejudices which is at variance from commonly used Tamil i.e. Tamil in media, contemporary literary works, etc.

All of these can be proved by google searches within a few seconds. Admins have no business to plunder the work of writers to impose their ideology. There are many other headings wherein their plunder of other peoples work can be seen.

Wikipedia defines very clearly what kinட்s of words can be used. For example Wikipedia Manual of Style ( lays down, under General principles, Follow the sources

"Many points of usage, such as the treatment of proper names, can be decided by seeing what other writers do about the problem. Unless there is some clear reason to do otherwise, it is generally a good idea to follow the usage of reliable secondary sources in English (or Tamil) on the subject; the sources for the article itself should be reliable. If the sources for the article can be shown to be unrepresentative of current English (Tamil) usage as a whole, follow current English (Tamil) usage instead—and consult more sources."

The focus of the entire Wiki usage of words is "current usage" of Tamil as in well-known books, literature, Tamil media, TN govt. language and so on. Tamil Wiki admins sabotage the spirit and laid down recommeddations of the Wikipedia in pressing their own தனித் தமிழ் usage by changing other people's articles and making changes in them to confirm to their own prejudices. Tamil Wiki adminnistrators are parasitic exploitators of Tamil wiki writers to propogate their prejudices.Tamil Wikipedia,under the control of these parasites and exploiters, will achieve nothing.


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